Chase Floyd Throughout The Years: The Chef's Life in Pictures!


As I sit here and write this, I find myself at a crossroads of sorts in my life. The year is 2020, and for some reason I feel the need to begin writing an "autobiography" of sorts for myself, despite the fact that there are A LOT of things I not only PLAN to do but WILL do before my life is completed! Part of this stems from the year 2020 itself, a year in which my own mortality has suddenly become far more apparent than it ever had been before. Despite what you may be thinking, this is not due to the Coronavirus though. You see, for me the year 2020 has featured an absolute EXPLOSION of filming and creating videos for ChaseFloydInc. 2020 has been a long awaited return to maximum productivity, at least as far as filming is concerned, coincided with the true arrival (at long last!) of the prophesied 2nd Renaissance of CFI!

CFI's Productivity SURGED in 2020!

Much of what I have done this year had been long overdue, put off for years due to a variety of reasons, but nevertheless it is finally getting done. All of the filming of myself has led me to have to look at myself quite a bit though, a process which revealed that I look "different" than I used to. Perhaps it is wisdom that has changed my appearance, something that can only be gained by living a bit of life! Whatever the cause, I do look different, and as I go through the hours of footage part of me wants to see a different version of myself on the screen. I am who I am though, but at the same time I want to be who I was...

I don't want dwell on the past and not become who I will become though, so that means I DO want to get this literal TON of 2020 footage edited and released. This current version of myself is having difficulty doing this though since perfection in the present remains my greatest foe. Perfection in the present, to a degree, can be achieved and this has led me to FILM and RE-FILM just about everything like crazy. Perfection in the past cannot be obtained though, since what was is just that, what was...

If only this was the kind of PERFECTION I struggle with...

This line of thought has led me to go through all of my many, many old videos and pictures with the goal of finding material of myself that I cannot go back and change/re-do to use to create content (videos/webpages) from. So I am going to do just that, slowly but surely working my way through the years up to the present. Perhaps this process will be "cathartic", and upon completion of what will essentially also be the act of digitizing and preserving the story of my life in pictures and videos I will be ready to tackle 2020's footage. Either that, or by the time I get there it won't be 2020 anymore!

I feel the need to essentially 'Upload my Mind' and the STORY of my LIFE so that it will live on FOREVER!

I am thus going to begin this content creating process right here on my website, by making more picture-filled webpages accompanied with my "blog-style" writings/musings about them. I don't have much choice in the matter though, since if I am going to take things from the very start of my life all of the "content" I have to work with will just be pictures anyways! I thus clearly cannot start this process by making more videos for CFI since the videos would just be still photos!


Wait...maybe I could do this though...says the idea-machine that is my mind...hmmmm....! SO! My ramblings aside, let's start this process of content creating with this webpage, which will be the first of many "year-by-year" webpages designed to act as a "Chase Floyd Autobiography" and "Picture-Preserving Time-Capsule" of sorts for my life, beginning with very beginning of said life; THE YEAR OF THE CHEF'S BIRTH!


NOTE! My "The Life & Times of Floyd" page will remain on my website, since this acts as a great little "mini-biograpgy" for me! These pages however will provide a far more detailed look into my life, with the intent being to have one page for each year of my life that includes a blurb about the major events that happened along with a "reservoir" of notable pictures from that year! You could thus think of these pages as literally being "my life in pictures" or simply a look at how I have changed throughout the years! Anywho, HERE is a link to my "The Life & Times of Floyd" webpage for anyone who (for some odd reason! :P) wants a far more brief analysis of The Chef's life!

Click here to check out Mr. Floyd's "The Life & Times of Floyd" Webpage!


Infant aka Baby Chay

The FIRST pictue ever taken of THE CHEF!

I was born on Thursday, April 29th, 1993 (oh wait...I mean 1958! :P) around 6 o'clock in the morning in a hospital called "Grand View Hospital" located in Sellersville, PA (a city in Bucks County, which is in Southeast Pennsylvania). I don't remember much about that day, or that entire year for that matter, but I think it was one of those warm, muggy, and "overcast" kind of late April days....

I imagine Grand View Hospital to have looked like this on the day I was born, just a bit more overcast and muggy! Hmmmm...I guess it wouldn't have looked exactly like this then....! Much better! Now you can see those Overcast Skies! Woo!

Click here to check out the HISTORICAL WEATHER for the Day I was BORN!

It is not unusual for a person to not remember anything from the year of their birth, and most research suggests that implicit memories do not even form until a human is around two years of age. I do feel as though I have "constructed" memories about this year though, much of which created by just how I feel when I think back to this time AND by studying what was going on in the world during this time! I also am a bit OBSESSED with this year though, not only since it is the year of my birth but also since the NUMBER itself is awesome (93!!! My FAVORITE number!) and since this year had some EPIC kids shows/toys/video games going on (such as my all-time favorite; POWER RANGERS!)!

Chef Floyardee's Famous #93 Jersey Hanging in Mr. Floyd's Classroom! My First #93 Jersey!

As is said though, "a picture is worth a thousand words", so while I do not have many words to say about this year from my memory I at the very least have some PICTURES of Infant aka BABY Chay doing what he did best; being a chubby (I was a 10lb 2oz whopper!) but INCREDIBLY GOOD LOOKING (okay, so I am biased but you know it's true!) baby who was brought along by his family to do interesting things for the first time that he has no recollection of ever doing (often times with his red-haired big-sister Caitlin aka Baby Cay!)!

Baby Chay! Baby Chay and his sister Caitlin! Baby Chay was BIG! Baby Cay and Chay! more! One more bite of Green Beans and this diap-ah is gonna BLOW! Baby Chay could barely fit into his outfit for his FIRST CHRISTMAS! Baby Cay: If you tell, I break this... Baby Chay: Waaahhhhh!!! Awww...obsessed with opening packages from a young age! The more things change, the more they stay the same! #eBay Look at this AWESOME picture I found of my Mother, Sister, Aunt, Cousins, and ME before I was ME aka ME in the WOMB! WOAH! Look at what I found (several months after I wrote this page! :O) magneted to my FRIDGE under a stack of RANDOM PAPERS! Another SUPER-RARE, SUPER-OLD (look how lil I am!), and SUPER-AWESOME picture of 1993 BABY CHAY! Not only that though, this is the OLDEST PICTURE I have found with my DAD! I guess that means I better update my 1995 page now then....hmmmm....or perhaps I will leave it be as a HISTORICAL REFERENCE! Yeah!!!!


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Click here to learn even more about Mr. Floyd!